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Safavieh Padding Collection PAD121 White Area Rug 5 feet by 8 feet 5' x 8'

Safavieh Padding Collection PAD121 White Area Rug 5 feet by 8 feet 5' x 8'

  • Product Code: B0030ETCHU
  • Availability: In Stock
$82.85 $21.70
Safavieh Padding Collection PAD121 White Area Rug 5 feet by 8 feet 5' x 8' - B0030ETCHU

Safavieh Better Quality Non-slip Rug Pad 5' x 8' has the following Features: -Construction: Machine made. -Technique: Woven. -Material: Polyester. -Origin: China. -Collection: Padding. -Color: Assorted. -Pile height: 0.13". Note: Please be aware that actual colors may vary from those shown on your screen. Accent rugs...